Proračun toplinskih tokova, toplinskih mostova, izotermi i Uf vrijednosti prema EN ISO 10077-2:2018 kao i Ufr, Ueg i Ucg vrijednosti prema ISO 15099 i NFRC.

Profesionalni izračun

Uf, Ψ, toplinski mostovi, izoterme, fRsi kao i vrijednosti Ufr, Ueg i Ucg



prema EN ISO 10077-2:2017-07 i EN ISO 10211-2:2017-07

Snažna funkcionalnost

za toplinski proračun prozora i fasada


Uvezene CAD datoteke mogu se pripremiti automatskim otkrivanjem i ispravljanjem CAD pogrešaka. Stoga se komplicirane komponente i sustavi mogu analizirati i izračunati uz kratko vrijeme računanja i male veličine podataka. Integrirana jezgra FEM izračuna omogućuje najtočnije rezultate.


  • Visoko automatizirana priprema geometrije CAD podataka (.dxf & .dwg)
  • Detaljan prijenos CAD podataka uklj. radijusi i kosine
  • Novi alat za rješavanje i nova računska jezgra s automatskim MKE mrežama
  • Automatskim FEM mrežama može se upravljati fleksibilno i specifično, što rezultira velikim brzinama izračuna
  • Izračun prema "modelu radioziteta" (novi model šupljine prema EN ISO 10077-2:2018) i s ekvivalentnom vodljivošću (EN ISO 10077-2:2012/2018)
  • Jednostavna definicija folija, premaza i površinskih svojstava pomoću crteža
  • Automatska dodjela materijala na temelju CAD slojeva
  • Plinsko punjenje za međustaklene prostore prema DIN EN 673 slobodno miješanje
  • Automatski proračun Uf prozorskih i fasadnih profila
  • Psi-vrijednosti toplinskih mostova i odstojnika izolacijskog stakla prema EN ISO 10211 i EN ISO 10077-2
  • Ug-vrijednosti višeslojnog izolacijskog stakla prema EN 673
  • U-vrijednosti bilo koje konstrukcije prema EN ISO 6946
  • Izračun izotermi, površinskih temperatura i temperaturnog faktora prema DIN 4108-2/-3
Learn more

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Zašto WINISO®?

WINISO® Funktion Übersicht
  • Certificirano od strane neovisnih instituta za testiranje
  • Rezultati su međunarodno priznati
  • Izuzetno jednostavan rad
  • Pouzdan partner za dugoročno zadovoljstvo kupaca
  • Rješenja spremna za tržište čak i prije donošenja relevantnih zakona i standarda, zajedno s stalnim ažuriranjem – naša su rješenja uvijek ažurna


PVC-prozor: Uf i ψg prema EN ISO 10077-2


Izračun U-vrijednosti okvira Uf i rubne veze ψ vrijednosti ψg prema EN ISO 10077-2 za PVC prozor

Uf prema EN ISO 10077-2


Izračun U-vrijednosti okvira Uf prema EN ISO 10077-2 za aluminijski prozor

Instalacija prozora:
ψ- i fRsi-vrijednost


Instalacijska ψ vrijednost i temperaturni faktor fRsi prema DIN 4108 dodatak 2

Ugradnja prozora:


2D proračun vlage na temelju DIN 4108-3

Prozor: Uw model zone prema ISO 15099


Izračun U vrijednosti Ufr, Ueg, Ucg za model Uw zone prema ISO 15099. Rubni uvjeti prema NFRC.

Prozor: krilo u staklenoj šupljini


Toplinski most na letvici krila integriranoj u zračni raspor ostakljenja, prema ISO 10211.

Prozor: tračnica za sastanke s dva staklena umetka


Automatski izračun Uf vrijednosti profila tračnica za susrete s dva umetka za ostakljenje prema EN ISO 10077-2

Strop podzemne garaže: sprječavanje kondenzacije


Dokaz o odsutnosti kondenzacije nosača ispod stropa podzemne garaže prema DIN 4108 dodatak 2

CAD uvoz

CAD uvoz i čišćenje

WINISO® uvozi CAD podatke kao DWG, DXF i STEP. Učinkoviti alati za CAD pripremu stvaraju besprijekoran prijelaz s CAD na FEM tijekom prijenosa podataka.


Tijekom generiranja i obrade poligona dobivaju se bitne značajke i konture dizajna te se postavljaju temelji za učinkovit i brz FEM proračun.

Ispuna poplave pretraživanja poligona

Prepoznavanje poligona Flood Fill daje korisniku intuitivan, snažan i robustan alat za pripremu čak i problematičnih CAD podataka.

Očistite spojeve

Čišćenje spojeva automatski ispravlja pogreške pomaka iz CAD podataka i uklanja slučajne detalje. Rezultat je koherentan dizajn koji se usredotočuje na osnove za FEM izračun.

Alati – 1. dio

S opsežnim CAD skupom alata, uvezeni CAD podaci mogu se jednostavno i fleksibilno preraditi i nadopuniti

Alati – 2. dio

S opsežnim CAD skupom alata, uvezeni CAD podaci mogu se jednostavno i fleksibilno preraditi i nadopuniti

Obrada projekta

Surface machining


Surfaces reflect the geometry in the WINISO® FEM model. The structure of the simulation project is completely defined in just a few steps.

Material assignment


Automatic assignment of materials to layers and automatic detection of profile cavities and boundary condition surfaces for a speedy and error-resistant model definition

Boundary condition


With the automatic detection of cavities and the flexible definition of boundary conditions and surface properties, almost any problem can be modelled quickly and precisely.



The definitions of frame cavities and spaces between panes from a wide range of standardisation are implemented in WINISO®: DIN EN ISO 10077-2, EN 673, DIN EN ISO 6946, ISO 15099.

Frame according to EN ISO 10077-2


WINISO® implements both calculation methods for window profiles with cavities provided for in DIN EN ISO 10077-2 in accordance with the standard: the equivalent conductivity method and the radiosity method introduced in 2017. Automatic checks ensure a consistent and standard-compliant calculation approach in all details.

ISO 15099


WINISO® enables the calculation of window profiles and glazing according to the specifications of ANSI/NFRC-100 and ISO 15099 according to the requirements of the US standardisation for the international market


Presentation of results


Construction, temperatures, heat flows and humidity profiles can be represented flexibly and meaningfully by isothermal lines, false colours and isobars

Evaluation according to EN ISO 10077


The mathematical verification for windows according to DIN EN ISO 10077 can be carried out efficiently and in compliance with standards with the automated determination of Uf, Psig and Uw.
Certification ift Rosenheim

Thermal bridges according to EN ISO 10211


The manual determination of thermal bridge coefficients Psi according to EN ISO 10211 offers a universal tool for the thermal evaluation of building structures, window details such as mullions and façades.

Evaluation according to DIN 4108 and EN ISO 6946


WINISO® provides elementary results such as the U-value according to EN ISO 6946 and the temperature factor fRsi according to DIN 4108:2 with one click

Present results


Present your results clearly and comprehensibly as a printout, PDF or in Word – with a set of predefined templates or customised with the template designer

Save projects, manage data


The SommerGlobal user database manages your WINISO® projects in a structured and clear manner in projects with any number of positions and the assignment of processors. Interfaces to WinSLT, WinTHS and GLASGLOBAL make interdisciplinary work efficient.


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What our clients say

„We are enthusiastic about the WinIso® software. Among other things, the high accuracy and speed of calculation are outstanding.“

Hörmann KG

Founded in 1935, the Hörmann Group is Europe's leading supplier of doors, which are developed and produced in 27 specialised factories in Europe, North America and Asia.

Contact: Stephan Ongsiek –

„Interpane Glasgesellschaft mbH has been an enthusiastic customer of Sommer Informatik GmbH for many years. The calculation with WinIso® also worked quickly and effectively for us after a short training period, which is why we can only recommend this tool.“

Interpane Glasgesellschaft mbH

Interpane Glas Industrie AG is a German flat glass manufacturer based in Lauenförde. The company manufactures glazing products at ten locations in Germany, Austria and France.

Contact: Steffen Schäfer –

"WINISO® is a powerful and for us very important tool, which effectively implements the requirements of the newly revised ISO 10077-2 and professionally supports the user in performing the calculations."

Ingenieurbüro Bauwerk

The engineering office has been active since 1998 and offers services in the field of building physics and window technology.

Contact: Mr. Deckert –

"Due to the structured and professional design of the software, it was possible for us to carry out demanding calculations with WINISO® directly without much effort."

Ensinger GmbH

Ensinger GmbH was founded in 1996 and processes engineering plastics into semi-finished products, finished parts, profiles and compounds. The headquarters of the internationally active company is Nufringen in Baden-Württemberg.

Contact: Sven Rhode –


Term explanation



Profiles can be displayed as a 3D view. 3D evaluation, both in temperature fields and in heat flow fields.


Is a measure of the thermal quality of a building component. The higher a U-value is, the more heat passes through a component. In WINISO® you have the option to determine the linear U-value based on the selected point as well as to calculate the U-value (total).

ISO 15099

Our expert software WINISO® has been extended by the calculation according to the American standard ISO 15099. The add-on “ISO 15099” is available for this purpose. With the add-on “ISO 15099”, the relevant calculations of Ufr, Ueg and Ucg can be carried out according to ISO 15099 and NFRC..

Condensation water

Use the add-on to calculate humidity using WINISO®. WINISO® is used to calculate relative humidity, vapour diffusion and condensation.

Material fields

Materials from the material database in WINISO® can be assigned to the generated surfaces of a component with the corresponding material colours or hatchings using various functions.


In the representation of the temperature fields you get a coloured representation of the surface temperature in the individual surfaces of a component. The colour representation is in the value range between 0° C and 20° C.

fRsi factor

The temperature factor, called the fRsi factor, is a criterion for the mould risk at a wall connection (connection of a window to the adjoining wall) and is the basis of DIN 4108-2.

Heat flows

The heat flow indicates how much heat flows through a construction per time. The cause of the heat flow is a temperature difference.


The length-related heat transfer coefficient, called Ψ-value, indicates the heat transfer through the edge seal of windows and is based on DIN EN ISO 10077-2. The Ψ-value is given in watts per metre and kelvin.


The U-value of a frame, called Uf-value, indicates the heat transfer through the area of the frame.


Isotherms are curves of equal temperature that make the quality of a building component visible in terms of condensation and mould risk. The 10°C and 13°C isotherms are prominent for condensation and mould formation.


WINISO® offers extensive, intuitive and fast editing options for CAD files. The operation is adapted to common CAD software for this purpose. A CAD editor is included in WINISO®.

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